The Spanish newspaper Cordópolis recently published an article about Eric Calderwood’s new book, On Earth or in Poems: The Many Lives of al-Andalus (Harvard University Press, 2023). You can read the article (in Spanish) here:

On Earth or in Poems Cover

Calderwood’s research has also been attracting attention in the Moroccan media. His first book, Colonial al-Andalus: Spain and the Making of Modern Moroccan Culture (The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2018) was recently translated into Arabic as Al-Andalus fi al-liqaʾ al-istiʿmari al-isbani al-maghribi (al-Markaz al-Thaqafi al-ʿArabi, 2023). On July 23, Hespress, one of the most popular news websites in Morocco, published an article about the translation. You can read the article (in Arabic) here:

Colonial al-Andalus Book Cover