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Class Schedule - Spring 2025

CWL 119 - Literature of Fantasy

Same as ENGL 119. See ENGL 119.

CWL 122 - Russia and Black America

Same as AFRO 122 and RUSS 122. See RUSS 122.

CWL 191 - Freshman Honors Tutorial

Study of selected topics on an individually arranged basis. Open only to honors students or to Cohn Scholars and Associates. May be repeated one time. Prerequisite: Consent of departmental honors advisor.

CWL 199 - Undergraduate Open Seminar

Credit: 1 to 5 hours. Approved for both letter and S/U grading. May be repeated.

CWL 207 - Indian Cinema in Context

Introduction to Indian mainstream (mainly Bollywood) cinema and its evolution through the last seven decades. Topics to be explored include, but not limited to, the relation between Indian society/culture and its cinematic representations, cinema's resistance to dominant nationalist and patriarchal ideologies, its interactions with the postcolonial nation-state of India, how globalization has changed the industry. All films will be screened with subtitles. No knowledge of Hindi or any other Indian language is required. Same as MACS 207.

CWL 208 - Cultures & Literatures of South Asia

Same as ASST 208, REL 208 and SAME 208. See REL 208.

CWL 210 - Introduction to Modern African Literature

Same as AFST 210 and ENGL 211. See AFST 210.

CWL 220 - Exploring the Greek and Roman World

Same as CLCV 220. See CLCV 220.

CWL 230 - Popular Cultures of Contemporary East Asia

Same as EALC 230. See EALC 230.

CWL 242 - Modern Masterpieces of Western Culture

Comparative study of major works of literature, philosophy and culture in the Western tradition from the Enlightenment to today, from Descartes and Voltaire to Dickinson and Calvino. Emphasis on the works as representative of their historical and cultural period, as well as how these works create the cultural world we live in today.

CWL 249 - Russian Lit and Revolution

Same as RUSS 225. See RUSS 225.

CWL 253 - Medieval Literature and Culture

Same as ENGL 202 and MDVL 201. See ENGL 202.

CWL 254 - Grimm's Fairy Tales in Context

Same as ENGL 266 and GER 251. See GER 251.

CWL 255 - Renaissance Literature and Culture

Same as ENGL 204. See ENGL 204.

CWL 257 - Enlightenment Literature and Culture

Same as ENGL 206. See ENGL 206.

CWL 259 - Early African American Literature and Culture

Same as AFRO 259 and ENGL 259. See ENGL 259.

CWL 260 - Modern African American Literature and Culture

Same as AFRO 260 and ENGL 260. See ENGL 260.

CWL 262 - Gender & Sexuality in Greco-Roman Antiquity

Same as CLCV 240 and GWS 240. See CLCV 240.

CWL 263 - Odysseus and Other Heroes

Same as CLCV 221. See CLCV 221.

CWL 267 - The Short Story

Same as ENGL 245. See ENGL 245.

CWL 275 - Masterpieces of East Asian Lit

Same as EALC 275. See EALC 275.

CWL 312 - Japan Lit in Translation II

Same as EALC 306. See EALC 306.

CWL 320 - Responses to the Holocaust

Course introduces a variety of Jewish and non-Jewish responses to the Holocaust created during and after the Second World War (from 1939). The discussion of Holocaust films, miniseries, memoirs, diaries, novels, short stories, poems, and other texts will focus on the unique contribution of those works to our understanding of the Holocaust. In addition, the works and their authors will be situated in their cultural and historical context. Taught in English translation. Same as ENGL 359, JS 320, REL 320, and YDSH 320.

CWL 321 - Russian Writers

Same as RUSS 320. See RUSS 320.

CWL 323 - Tolstoy

Same as ENGL 323 and RUSS 323. See RUSS 323.

CWL 467 - Japanese Cinema

Same as EALC 466 and MACS 466. See MACS 466.

CWL 481 - Topics in Arabic Literature & Culture

Studies in Arabic literature and culture of various genres, periods, and regions. Graduate students are encouraged to read the texts in the original language. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. May be repeated in the same semester to a maximum of 6 undergraduate hours or 8 graduate hours if topics vary; May be repeated in separate semesters to a maximum of 12 undergraduate hours or 16 graduate hours if topics vary. Prerequisite: One year of college literature or consent of instructor.

CWL 493 - Senior Thesis and Honors

Independent research guided by tutor(s), leading to the writing of a comparative thesis. Intended primarily for candidates for honors in comparative literature, but open to other seniors. 3 to 6 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 hours.

CWL 496 - Special Topics in Comp Lit II

Selected literary topics of international significance in relation to other cultural expressions. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 or 4 graduate hours. May be repeated to a maximum of 9 undergraduate or 12 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

CWL 502 - Methods of Comparative Lit

Problems and methods of cross-cultural literary studies, concentrating on the effects of historical encounters between different civilizations and on theoretical issues in comparing literatures across cultures. 4 graduate hours. No professional credit.

CWL 504 - Theories of Cinema

Same as ENGL 504 and MACS 504. See MACS 504.

CWL 512 - Applied LiteraryTranslation II

Same as EALC 512, GER 512, SLAV 502, and TRST 502. See TRST 502.

CWL 562 - Sem Spanish-American Lit

Same as SPAN 535. See SPAN 535.

CWL 571 - Seminar in Literary Relations

Investigation of the impact of one literature upon another, or of some specific works upon others (the role of English literature in continental Europe, the influence of Russian novelists on French and German writers, etc.). May be repeated to a maximum of 12 hours if topics vary.

CWL 581 - Seminar Lit Themes

Study of a theme or type (the Faust myth, the romantic hero, etc.) to discover its essential components in all the literatures studied and the significance of national variations. The subject of the seminar varies each term. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 hours if topics vary.

CWL 593 - Special Studies

CWL 599 - Thesis Research

Intended for students engaged in writing a thesis as a partial requirement for the M.A. or Ph.D. degree in comparative literature. May be repeated to a maximum of Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated in the same term or in separate terms up to a maximum of 8 hours.