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Class Schedule - Fall 2024

CWL 114 - Global Consciousness and Lit

Exploration of the cultural and historical roots of globalization and the development of global consciousness from ancient Greece to the present, as reflected primarily in literature, but also with reference to historiography, cartography, religion, art, politics, economics, and popular culture. Course materials including literary texts, articles, historical accounts, political tracts, films, and paintings focus on the mutual perception of, and historical relationships among Europe, the Arab world, Africa, Asia, and the Americas.

CWL 117 - Russ & E Euro Science Fiction

Same as SLAV 117. See SLAV 117.

CWL 119 - Literature of Fantasy

Same as ENGL 119. See ENGL 119.

CWL 151 - Cross-Cultural Thematics

Explores a combination of western and non-western literature through the focus on a shared theme, exploring differences in treatment both within and among different cultures. Several thematic focuses are offered in rotation, including concepts of love and death, environmental justice, catastrophe, gender, and others. All the themes introduce students to a wide array of famous texts from different cultures and also offer some varied perspectives for their own inevitable thoughts on these major topics. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 hours if topics vary. Students may register in more than one section per term.

CWL 189 - Literatures of the Islamic World

Comparative, cross-cultural study of major literary and cultural works from the Islamic world, broadly defined, including pre-Islamic cultures and their interactions with Islamic civilization. All readings in English.

CWL 191 - Freshman Honors Tutorial

Study of selected topics on an individually arranged basis. Open only to honors students or to Cohn Scholars and Associates. May be repeated one time. Prerequisite: Consent of departmental honors advisor.

CWL 199 - Undergraduate Open Seminar

Credit: 1 to 5 hours. Approved for both letter and S/U grading. May be repeated.

CWL 215 - Madness, Myth, and Murder

Same as SCAN 215. See SCAN 215.

CWL 220 - Exploring the Greek and Roman World

Same as CLCV 220. See CLCV 220.

CWL 221 - Jewish Storytelling

Same as ENGL 223, JS 220, REL 220, and YDSH 220. See YDSH 220.

CWL 223 - The Qur'an (Koran)

Same as REL 223, SAME 223. See REL 223.

CWL 226 - Humanist Persp of Afro-Am Exp

Same as AFRO 224. See AFRO 224.

CWL 227 - Golden Age of Russian Literature

Same as RUSS 220. See RUSS 220.

CWL 230 - Popular Cultures of Contemporary East Asia

Same as EALC 230. See EALC 230.

CWL 241 - Early Masterpieces of Western Culture

Comparative study of major works of literature, philosophy and culture in the Western tradition from the ancient world to the Renaissance, from Homer and the Bible to Shakespeare and Cervantes. Emphasis on the works as representative of their historical and cultural period, as well as how these works create the cultural world we live in today. Prerequisite: Completion of campus Composition I general education requirement.

CWL 251 - Viking Mythology

Same as MDVL 251, REL 251, and SCAN 251. See SCAN 251.

CWL 253 - Medieval Literature and Culture

Same as ENGL 202 and MDVL 201. See ENGL 202.

CWL 254 - Grimm's Fairy Tales in Context

Same as ENGL 266 and GER 251. See GER 251.

CWL 257 - Enlightenment Literature and Culture

Same as ENGL 206. See ENGL 206.

CWL 259 - Early African American Literature and Culture

Same as AFRO 259 and ENGL 259. See ENGL 259.

CWL 267 - The Short Story

Same as ENGL 245. See ENGL 245.

CWL 272 - Sexuality and Literature

Same as GER 270 and GWS 270. See GER 270.

CWL 273 - The Holocaust in Context

Same as ENGL 269, GER 261, and JS 261. See GER 261.

CWL 275 - Masterpieces of East Asian Lit

Same as EALC 275. See EALC 275.

CWL 283 - Jewish Sacred Literature

Same as REL 283. See REL 283.

CWL 312 - Japan Lit in Translation II

Same as EALC 306. See EALC 306.

CWL 350 - South Asian Goddesses

Same as REL 350 and SAME 350. See REL 350.

CWL 376 - Children and Youth Literature

Same as EURO 376, GWS 376, and SCAN 376. See SCAN 376.

CWL 453 - Slavic Cultural Studies

Same as SLAV 452. See SLAV 452.

CWL 467 - Japanese Cinema

Same as EALC 466 and MACS 466. See MACS 466.

CWL 493 - Senior Thesis and Honors

Independent research guided by tutor(s), leading to the writing of a comparative thesis. Intended primarily for candidates for honors in comparative literature, but open to other seniors. 3 to 6 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 hours.

CWL 496 - Special Topics in Comp Lit II

Selected literary topics of international significance in relation to other cultural expressions. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 or 4 graduate hours. May be repeated to a maximum of 9 undergraduate or 12 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

CWL 501 - Theory of Literature

Major issues of literary theory, critical approaches, and comparative research.

CWL 503 - Historiography of Cinema

Same as ENGL 503 and MACS 503. See MACS 503.

CWL 511 - Applied Literary Translation I

Same as EALC 511, GER 511, SLAV 501, and TRST 501. See TRST 501.

CWL 576 - Methods in Slavic Grad Study

Same as SLAV 576. See SLAV 576.

CWL 581 - Seminar Lit Themes

Study of a theme or type (the Faust myth, the romantic hero, etc.) to discover its essential components in all the literatures studied and the significance of national variations. The subject of the seminar varies each term. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 hours if topics vary.

CWL 593 - Special Studies

CWL 599 - Thesis Research

Intended for students engaged in writing a thesis as a partial requirement for the M.A. or Ph.D. degree in comparative literature. Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated to a maximum of 8 graduate hours.