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College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Department of Comparative & World Literature
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Faculty Books
Faculty Books
Block Reference
Lughz al-qāf
Waïl S. Hassan
O mundo árabe e o Brasil
Waïl S. Hassan
Arab Brazil: Fictions of Ternary Orientalism
Waïl S. Hassan
Medieval Humanism
C. Stephen Jaeger
Critical Memory Studies
Brett A. Kaplan
Rare Stuff
Brett A. Kaplan
Gabriel García Márquez: La línea, el círculo y las metamorfosis del mito
Michael Palencia-Roth
Medicalizing Difference
Stephanie M. Hilger
The Health Humanities in German Studies
Stephanie M. Hilger
Bodies in Transition in the Health Humanities: Representations of Corporeality
Lisa M. DeTora and Stephanie M. Hilger
New Directions in Literature and Medicine Studies
Stephanie M. Hilger
Waïl S. Hassan, Rogério Lima
Unruly Cinema: History, Politics, and Bollywood
Rini Bhattacharya Mehta
Empire of Ruin: Black Classicism and American Imperial Culture
John Levi Barnard
Al Andalus en Marruecos
Eric Calderwood
David Bergelson's Strange New World
Harriet Murav
Colonial al-Andalus: Spain and the Making of Modern Moroccan Culture
Eric Calderwood
The Oxford Handbook of Arab Novelistic Traditions
Waïl S. Hassan
The Early History of Embodied Cognition 1740-1920
Edited by: John A. McCarthy, Stephanie M. Hilger, Heather L. Sullivan, Nicholas Soul
Gender and Genre: German Women Write the French Revolution
Stephanie M. Hilger
Monster of the Twentieth Century: Kotoku Shusui and Japan’s First Anti-Imperialist Movement
Robert Tierney
Enchantment: On Charisma and the Sublime in the Arts of the West (Haney Foundation Series)
C. Stephen Jaeger
The Narrow Bridge: Beyond the Holocaust
Isaac Neuman (Author), Michael Palencia-Roth (Author)
Tropics of Savagery: The Culture of Japanese Empire in Comparative Frame (Volume 5) (Asia Pacific Modern)
Robert Tierney
Holy Foolishness: Dostoevsky’s Novels and the Poetics of Cultural Critique
Harriet Murav
Russia's Legal Fictions (Law, Meaning, And Violence)
Harriet Murav
Identity Theft: The Jew in Imperial Russia and the Case of Avraam Uri Kovner
Harriet Murav
Music from a Speeding Train: Jewish Literature in Post-Revolution Russia (Stanford Studies in Jewish History and Culture)
Harriet Murav
Bollywood and Globalization: Indian Popular Cinema, Nation, and Diaspora (Anthem South Asian Studies)
Rini Bhattacharya Mehta (Editor), Rajeshwari V. Pandharipande (Editor)
The Indian Partition in Literature and Films: History, Politics, and Aesthetics (Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series)
Rini Bhattacharya Mehta (Editor), Debali Mookerjea-Leonard (Editor)
Extreme-Occident: French Intellectuals and America
Jean-Philippe Mathy
French Resistance: The French-American Culture Wars
Jean-Philippe Mathy
Melancholy Politics: Loss, Mourning, and Memory in Late Modern France
Jean-Philippe Mathy
Unwanted Beauty: Aesthetic Pleasure in Holocaust Representation
Brett A. Kaplan
Landscapes of Holocaust Postmemory (Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies)
Brett A. Kaplan
Jewish Anxiety and the Novels of Philip Roth
Brett A. Kaplan
Women Write Back: Strategies of Response and the Dynamics of European Literary Culture, 1790-1805. (Internationale Forschungen Zur Allgemeinen Und Vergleichende)
Stephanie M. Hilger
Thou Shalt Not Speak My Language (Middle East Literature in Translation)
Abdelfattah Kilito (Author), Waïl S. Hassan (Translator)
Approaches to Teaching the Works of Naguib Mahfouz (Approaches to Teaching World Literature)
Waïl S. Hassan (Editor), Susan Muaddi Darraj (Editor)
Tayeb Salih: Ideology and the Craft of Fiction (Middle East Literature In Translation)
Waïl S. Hassan
Immigrant Narratives: Orientalism and Cultural Translation in Arab American and Arab British Literature
Waïl S. Hassan
Polish, Hybrid, and Otherwise: Exilic Discourse in Joseph Conrad and Witold Gombrowicz
George Zbigniew Gasyna
Robert Steiner: La rhétorique de la passion
Nancy Blake