Research Interests
19th- and 20th-Century European and American literature
Painting and Film
Modernism and Post-Modernism
Interdisciplinary Research
Psychoanalytic theory
Women's studies
Doctorat d’État: University of Paris (1980)
Doctorat de Troisième Cycle: University of Paris (1974)
Additional Campus Affiliations
Professor Emerita, French and Italian
External Links
Highlighted Publications
Blake, N. (2001). Robert Steiner: La rhétorique de la passion. (Voix Américaines). Belin.
Recent Publications
Blake, N. (2007). L'Art et l'inceste: Sarabande d'Ingmar Bergman. Evolution Psychiatrique, 72(2), 313-324.
Blake, N. (2005). Che vuoi? Jouir du symptôme pervers dans le cinéma de Pedro Almodóvar. Evolution Psychiatrique, 70(3), 613-621.
Blake, N. (2003). Beyond Postmodernism: An Introduction. Communication Review, 6(4), 269-274.
Blake, N. (2003). “We Won’t Be Like Them”: Repetition Compulsion in Wong Kar-wai’s In the Mood for Love. Communication Review, 6(4), 341-356.
Blake, N. (2003). What's your story: Narration and "a new knowledge of reality" in the death of the novel and other stories. In Musing the Mosaic: Approaches to Ronald Sukenick (pp. 65-73). State University of New York Press.