2016 - Dissertation Title: The Postmodern Structure of Consciousness. Associate Professor at Aarhus University, Denmark
Block Reference
- 2016 - Dissertation Title: Muddy Points of Entanglements: Translocal Fictions in Africa and the Diaspora. Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature in the Department of Languages, Literature and Philosophy at Georgia Southern University
- 2015 - Dissertation Title: Picturing the Unspeakable: Trauma, Memory, and Visuality in Contemporary Comics. Academic Advisor, Department of Statistics, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- 2015 - Dissertation Title: Networks of Paranoia: Narratives of Crime and Detection in 21st Century Latin America. Assistant Professor of Spanish, Centre College
- 2015 - Dissertation Title: The Serpent Woman as Grotesque in French, English, and German Medieval Narrative. Senior Lecturer of German, Coordinator of the Global Village, a Living & Learning Community
- 2015 - Dissertation Title: Being and Suffering: Toward an Existentialist Understanding of Memory, Trauma, and Violence. Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing, Misericordia University Requiescat in pace: poet, novelist, translator Okla Elliott, 1977-2017...
- 2014 - Dissertation Title: Queer American Expatriate Writers in France and the Birth of the Gay Modernist Subject. Assistant Professor of English at College of the Canyons
- 2013 - Dissertation Title: Cultural Engagement in Missionary China: American Missionary Novels 1880-1930. Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Tunghai University, Taiwa
- 2013 - Dissertation Title: Wallpapering the Novel: Economics, Aesthetics, and the Realist Home. Acquisitions Editor, Stanford University Press
- 2012 - Dissertation Title: The Ecological Turn: Positioning the Natural World in Post-Mao Fiction and Film. Instructor of English at Memphis University School