2009 - Dissertation Title: A Vanishing Act: Gulag Narratives and Their Afterlife. Associate Professor of English, University of Southern Indiana
- 2008 - Dissertation Title: Adulterous Nations: Family Politics and National Identity in the European Novel. Assistant Professor at University of Texas, Austin
- 2007 - Dissertation Title: Lack, Loss and Displacement: Renarrativizing "Chineseness" Through the Aesthetics of Southeast Asian Literature and Film. Associate Professor at S.U.N.Y. Stonybrook
- 2006 - Dissertation Title: The Transformative Power of Love: The Negation of the Subject in Mysticism and Troubadour Fin’ Amors. Profesora Catedrática at the Universidad del Quindío
- 2004 - Dissertation Title: The Horror, the Horror: The Repetition and Compulsion of a Genre. Was a documentary filmmaker at The Shoah Foundation; now Senior lecturer at Coventry University UK
- 2004 - Dissertation Title: Staging Europe, Staging Ireland: Ibsen, Strindberg, and Chekhov in Irish Cultural Politics, 1899–1922 Associate Professor at Coastal Carolina University
- 2004 - Associate Professor at Wayne State University
- 2003 - Professor of Spanish, Dickinson College
- 2001 - Associate Professor at University of Cincinnati
- 2000 - Associate Professor of French Studies and Arabic Studies, University of Windsor